2. Inbound Logistics

Inbound logistics include the receiving, warehousing, and inventory control of input materials.


How to retrieve the assets required to build the software : office files, requirements, images, web services definitions

2.1. Speech analogy for Data Vis

Source : https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud507/lessons/3063188874/concepts/30639889250923

Parts of speech are to sentences what visual encoding are to charts

POS::Sentences::visual encodings::charts

  • Parts of speech are composed of sentences

  • charts are composed of visual encodings applied to data types and combined with relationship between those data


data types are continuous or categorical

dimensions are drawn in 1D, 2D, 3D

Geographic charts

  • choropleth = geographic + color

  • cartogram : geographix + size

  • dotmap : georgraphic + shape

2.1.1. The Lie factor

  • Lie factor describes the integrity of a graphic. if the lie factor is comprised within [0.95 < lie factor < 1.05] then the graphic representative of the data.

(2.1)\text{Lie factor = }\frac{\text{size fo the effect shown in the graphic}}{\text{size of the effect shown in the data}} [0.95 < lie factor < 1.05]

2.1.2. Separation of the visual elements and the structure of data

  • transform data without changing visual representation

  • allow for collaboration across teams

2.1.3. Grammar of the Graphics pipeline

digraph GrammarOfGraphicsPipeline { #node [shape=rectangle, fontname="Sans"]; ratio="fill"; size="8.3,11.7!"; node [shape = polygon, sides = 4, distortion = "0.0", orientation = "0.0", skew = "0.0", color = white, style = filled, fontname = "Sans" ]; splines=true; nodesep=0.2; ranksep=0.5; linesep=2.0; margin=1.0; graph [overlap = false, margin=1.0]; #rankdir=LR; # overlap=false; # ratio=auto; label="Grammar of Graphics pipeline v2019-05-21"; Source [label="Source" shape=underline color=orange]; Variables [label="Main branch" shape=ellipse color=orange1]; Algebra [label="Build" shape=ellipse color=orange2]; Scales [label="Scales" shape=ellipse color=orange]; Statistics [label="Statistics" shape=ellipse color=orange]; Geometry [label="Geometry" shape=ellipse color=orange]; Coordinates [label="Coordinates" shape=ellipse color=orange]; Aesthetics [label="Aesthetics" shape=ellipse color=orange]; Renderer [label="Renderer" shape=box color=orange]; Source -> Variables [label="Data - d3.json()"] Variables -> Algebra [label="Varset d3.nest"] Algebra -> Scales [label="Varset d3.scale"] Scales -> Statistics [label="Varset d3.layout"] Statistics -> Geometry [label="Graph d3.selection.append('rect')"] Geometry -> Coordinates [label="Graph .attr('x', 50)"] Coordinates -> Aesthetics [label="Graph circle {fill : green }"] Aesthetics -> Renderer [label="Graphic"] }

  1. d3.layout : applies common transformations on predefined chart objects

  2. d3.nest : groups data based on particular keys and returns an array of JSON

  3. d3.selection.attr : changes a characteristic of an element such as position or fill

  4. d3.json : loads a data file and returns an array of Javascript objects

  5. d3.selection.append : inserts HTML or SVG elements into a web page

  6. d3.scale : converts data to a pixel or color value that can be displayed

2.1.4. Process

2.1.7. Reviziting the receipt

Source : https://twitter.com/DataToViz/status/1124752405973782528