5. Marketing and Sales

Marketing & Sales are those activities associated with getting buyers to purchase the product, including channel selection, advertising, pricing, etc.


tools and tasks required to design the offer, market the product and then sell it offline or online

5.1. Sales automation

  1. Créer des leads (nom, prénom, email address, nom de société) pour XYZ digital au minimum

  2. Convertissez des leads en Contact (personne physique travaillant pour une personne morale) et Account (personne morale)

  3. Ajouter un deal lorsque vous convertissez un lead en Contact

  4. Créer des deals (projets signés ou en cours)

5.2. Sales Dashboard

financial dashboard - credits: baremetrics.io

5.3. Contracts management

  • The Service Provider

    • is Shareholder of the customer

      • the Service Provider Lowers the price

    • is not Shareholder of the customer

      • the Service Provider asks for a regular price

  • The contract includes

    • 3rd parties with whom the Service Provider has no liabilities towards the 3rd party

      • The Service Provider has NOTHING to do contractually

    • 3rd parties with whom the Service Provider has liabilities towards the 3rd party

      • A contract describing the governance MUST be written